Terrazzo floor

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  • Release time: 2023-07-11
Terrazzo floor

Which is better between terrazzo and tiles: From the perspective of their surface gloss, due to the simple production process of terrazzo, the pores will be exposed after the surface of terrazzo is polished, so the finish will decrease. The surface of the floor tiles is glazed, so that dirty water is not easy to penetrate, and the surface gloss is better. From the perspective of project cost, the production process of terrazzo floor is less, so the project cost is more cost-effective than floor tiles, which is easy for customers to bear.

Decorative traditional terrazzo has great limitations in terms of single block area and aggregate selection, and the surface polishing performance is not very good, and it is almost impossible to polish to more than 60 degrees. Surface strength The traditional terrazzo floor uses fly ash cement as the admixture, and the surface strength is about 4 degrees on the Mohs scale. Surface anti-pollution traditional terrazzo floor, due to the porous structure of fly ash cement surface, even if inorganic surface high-density agent is introduced for metal surface treatment, it cannot reach the surface density of modern terrazzo floor.


水磨床研磨机的技术原理是,水磨床表面风化,使研磨后的老化层露出新鲜层后,采用特殊的机械方法在水磨床表面产生极其复杂的作用,形成新的玻璃质薄膜,恢复水磨床自然明亮的装饰效果。 整个流程包括多个工序。从根本上解决问题,让粗糙污脏的水磨石变得平滑光亮,治标又治本,达到镜面效果。


url: https://szdeliang.com/en/news/326.html

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010, focusing on the production of terrazzo and natural stone related raw materials. It is a strong manufacturer integrating design, research and development, production, marketing and diversified decorative materials.
Hot Products | Main Business Areas: Shenzhen, Chengdu, Shanghai, Chongqing, Sichuan, Beijing, Fujian, Shaanxi, Hubei, Guiyang

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