Terrazzo Renovation Company

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  • Release time: 2023-07-11
Terrazzo Renovation Company

Terrazzo, do you feel very artistic and beautiful when you hear it, like a clear spring flowing slowly in the simple space? In fact, this is what it looks like, do you feel that you understand it? By the way, ten years ago, it was still a vulgar large and small flower that many people looked down upon, but it suddenly changed without knowing how to drip it. Vulgar? ugly? This is simply the little luck that has been often said in the past two years. It is simple and fresh with a sense of warmth, but in fact it is also a terrazzo, so is fashion a circle, or people's aesthetics playing reincarnation?

Decorative traditional terrazzo has great limitations in terms of single block area and aggregate selection, and the surface polishing performance is not very good, and it is almost impossible to polish to more than 60 degrees. Surface strength The traditional terrazzo floor uses fly ash cement as the admixture, and the surface strength is about 4 degrees on the Mohs scale. Surface anti-pollution traditional terrazzo floor, due to the porous structure of fly ash cement surface, even if inorganic surface high-density agent is introduced for metal surface treatment, it cannot reach the surface density of modern terrazzo floor.

The reason why terrazzo is as bright and crystal clear as a mirror is mainly because a layer of glass film is formed on the surface of terrazzo after mechanical processing. Not only does the film have a specular sheen, but it also transparently reveals the internal structural layers of the stone, the patterns and patterns one observes.

The difference between terrazzo floor tiles and ordinary floor tiles; the difference: the production process of terrazzo floor tiles is very simple, the pores will be exposed after the surface is worn, resulting in a decrease in smoothness; the surface of the floor tiles is treated with sealing glaze, the waterproof effect is better, and dirty water is not easy to penetrate. luster. In terms of wear resistance and dust resistance, terrazzo floor tiles are superior and easy to manage. Difference 5: In terms of lifespan, the lifespan of ordinary floor tiles is longer than that of terrazzo floor tiles. Over time, terrazzo floor tiles will stain and look ugly when they have to be replaced.

In order to pursue a good sense of space, some community owners will choose to make terrazzo floors when paving the factory floor. When the new ground is about to be completed, the contractor may know whether the owner of the community needs further polishing and polishing. Generally speaking, the terrazzo floor is polished and waxed, and its bright effect cannot last for a long time. It is very easy to be stepped on, so it needs to be waxed again every now and then, which will consume more investment. Beijing terrazzo renovation company uses concrete curing agent to penetrate into the terrazzo floor, and generate heat reaction with the ground to form a whole, and the created lighting effect can last for a long time, theoretically speaking, it can be maintained 20-30 years, with proper maintenance or even longer.

url: https://szdeliang.com/en/news/319.html

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010, focusing on the production of terrazzo and natural stone related raw materials. It is a strong manufacturer integrating design, research and development, production, marketing and diversified decorative materials.
Hot Products | Main Business Areas: Shenzhen, Chengdu, Shanghai, Chongqing, Sichuan, Beijing, Fujian, Shaanxi, Hubei, Guiyang

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