Terrazzo floor picture

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  • Release time: 2023-07-11
Terrazzo floor picture

Advantages of terrazzo floor tiles: high-brightness terrazzo, after high-brightness treatment, the brightness can reach more than 70, dust-proof and non-slip, reaching marble quality. High gloss terrazzo with a surface hardness of 6-8. The high-brightness terrazzo floor can be customized to match the tone and tone. No cracks, no fear of overturning of super-heavy vehicles, no fear of being dragged by hanging objects, and no collapse and deformation. No dust, high cleanliness; the cleanliness meets the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry and chip manufacturing contour cleaning environment. Flame retardant, no flame, aging resistance, stain resistance, corrosion resistance, no odor, zero pollution. Beijing terrazzo floor pictures have a bright tone, which meets the requirements of the national standard GB50209-2002 and the standard requirements of JC507-1993 architectural terrazzo products.

Decorative traditional terrazzo has great limitations in terms of single block area and aggregate selection, and the surface polishing performance is not very good, and it is almost impossible to polish to more than 60 degrees. Surface strength The traditional terrazzo floor uses fly ash cement as the admixture, and the surface strength is about 4 degrees on the Mohs scale. Surface anti-pollution traditional terrazzo floor, due to the porous structure of fly ash cement surface, even if inorganic surface high-density agent is introduced for metal surface treatment, it cannot reach the surface density of modern terrazzo floor.

Terrazzo floor tiles have obvious disadvantages. Cannot be used in highly corrosive environments. The quality of terrazzo floor tiles is much heavier than other finishing materials because they are made of concrete, which will take more time during installation and handling. Even if all the terrazzo floor tiles are laid, there will still be some gaps in the middle, and dust and some small debris in the air can easily fall into these gaps, contaminate the surface of the terrazzo floor tiles, and increase the difficulty of cleaning the terrazzo floor tiles.

The pattern and style of the terrazzo floor are relatively single, while the pattern of the floor tiles is rich and varied, and the decorative effect is better than that of the terrazzo floor. The terrazzo has been used for a long time, the surface gloss will deteriorate, and dirt will penetrate into it, so it needs to be replaced frequently. From the perspective of decorative effect, terrazzo is relatively simple, and the decorative effect is not as good as ceramic tiles, so terrazzo is suitable for general public decoration. Although terrazzo floors are not as good as floor tiles in many aspects, terrazzo floors have an important feature, that is, good reliability, and general floor tiles will appear cracks and deviations after being used for a long time, so many people prefer it at that time. Terrazzo floor.

url: https://szdeliang.com/en/news/316.html

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010, focusing on the production of terrazzo and natural stone related raw materials. It is a strong manufacturer integrating design, research and development, production, marketing and diversified decorative materials.
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