Terrazzo Floor Tiles

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  • Release time: 2023-07-11
Terrazzo Floor Tiles

The terrazzo floor often gives people the first impression of a grand atmosphere, so everyone subconsciously thinks it is a "high-end" decoration material. Beijing terrazzo floor tiles In fact, terrazzo floors with low cost and convenient construction are widely used in various buildings in cities and towns across the country. As long as you pay attention, you will find that they appear around you.

The technical principle of the water grinder grinder is that the surface of the water grinder is weathered, and after the aged layer after grinding is exposed to a fresh layer, special mechanical methods are used to produce extremely complex effects on the surface of the water grinder to form a new vitreous film and restore the water grinder. Natural and bright decorative effect. The whole process includes multiple processes. Solve the problem fundamentally, make the rough and dirty terrazzo smooth and bright, treat the symptoms and the root cause, and achieve the mirror effect.

The traditional concrete terrazzo floor is made by infiltrating concrete. Although it is easy to use, it is easy to damage and has a low appearance; the latter is epoxy resin glue terrazzo floor, which has many restrictions. Although it has high appearance value, the construction cost is also high. . Both of the above two methods belong to the decoration methods of pouring terrazzo floors on the spot, and they are not the most suitable. It is recommended that you try terrazzo floor turning. It is easy to use and the cost is reasonable. Because the characteristics of terrazzo are relatively strong, the scope of application is also very wide.

Why are some terrazzo floors dull and dull? The liquid is the same as a human being, and it also has a good blood color, which is flat, and the stones are uniform and shiny. Why is the liquid without "blood color" dark and lusterless? In fact, it is not uncommon for the ground of terrazzo to be dark and dull.

In order to pursue a good sense of space, some community owners will choose to make terrazzo floors when paving the factory floor. When the new ground is about to be completed, the contractor may know whether the owner of the community needs further polishing and polishing. Generally speaking, the terrazzo floor is polished and waxed, and its bright effect cannot last for a long time. A thin layer is easy to be trampled off, so it needs to be waxed again every now and then, which will consume more investment. The use of concrete curing agent penetrates into the terrazzo floor, and forms a whole through an exothermic reaction with the ground, creating a light effect that can last for a long time, theoretically speaking, it can last for 20-30 years , properly maintained or even longer.

url: https://szdeliang.com/en/news/312.html

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010, focusing on the production of terrazzo and natural stone related raw materials. It is a strong manufacturer integrating design, research and development, production, marketing and diversified decorative materials.
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