Terrazzo treatment

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  • Release time: 2023-07-11
Terrazzo treatment

Under the current consumer demand for personalized and special products, Beijing terrazzo processing designers have applied various designs and colors of traditional terrazzo to ceramic tiles, and are loved by a large number of consumers. The terrazzo tiles currently on the market can be divided into glazed tiles, soft tiles, antique tiles, and whole body tiles.

Speaking of terrazzo, the impression is probably the standard configuration of schools and hospital corridors in the last century, as well as the exterior walls of traditional buildings. Although wearable, it looks cheap. However, it is too late to lament the rush of time, and the terrazzo, which was once disliked, has already begun to counterattack. In my memory, the terrazzo floor is not a kind of building decoration material, but just the aura of food, clothing, housing and transportation accumulated over time. In this memory, it seems to be a kind of nostalgic complex, which is essentially a simple and happy living habit.

Building pollution, traditional millstone grinding must use a lot of water to cool, resulting in a lot of sewage problems is very troublesome. Modern terrazzo adopts a high-power industrial vacuum device, which is water-free and dust-free during polishing. The fusion of wall and land Due to the limitations of materials and craftsmanship, traditional terrazzo cannot be combined with the wall. Modern terrazzo floors have substantially changed their strength and ductility due to the composition of polymers. They can be made on-site or prefabricated in factories for wall decoration panels, which can ensure that the 3-meter-square and several-inch panels are as good as they are The L-shaped plate and other integrally formed special-shaped plates are prefabricated components.

The price of terrazzo is cheaper, and you can choose the appropriate color and pattern for splicing according to your preferences. Terrazzo floor is a kind of composite material, so its own construction cost is cheap and cheap, and the pattern or color of terrazzo floor can be defined by itself, and the patchwork belongs to its own exclusive floor, which is better than brick floor. No wonder the neighbors next door have to decorate their homes without laying floor tiles.

In order to pursue a good sense of space, some community owners will choose to make terrazzo floors when paving the factory floor. When the new ground is about to be completed, the contractor may know whether the owner of the community needs further polishing and polishing. Generally speaking, the terrazzo floor is polished and waxed, and its bright effect cannot last for a long time. It is very easy to be trampled off, so it needs to be waxed again every now and then, and Beijing terrazzo treatment will consume more investment. The use of concrete curing agent penetrates into the terrazzo floor, and forms a whole through an exothermic reaction with the ground, creating a light effect that can last for a long time, theoretically speaking, it can last for 20-30 years , properly maintained and even longer。

url: https://szdeliang.com/en/news/308.html

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010, focusing on the production of terrazzo and natural stone related raw materials. It is a strong manufacturer integrating design, research and development, production, marketing and diversified decorative materials.
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