Terrazzo Floor Map

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  • Release time: 2023-07-11
Terrazzo Floor Map

Advantages of terrazzo floor tiles: high-brightness terrazzo, after high-brightness treatment, the brightness can reach more than 70, dust-proof and non-slip, reaching marble quality. High gloss terrazzo with a surface hardness of 6-8. The high-brightness terrazzo floor can be customized to match the tone and tone. No cracks, no fear of overturning of super-heavy vehicles, no fear of being dragged by hanging objects, and no collapse and deformation. No dust, high cleanliness; the cleanliness meets the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry and chip manufacturing contour cleaning environment. It is flame-retardant, flame-free, aging-resistant, stain-resistant, corrosion-resistant, odorless, and zero-pollution. Bright tone, in line with the requirements of the national standard GB50209-2002, in line with the standard requirements of JC507-1993 architectural terrazzo products.

The technical principle of the water grinder grinder is that the surface of the water grinder is weathered, and after the aged layer after grinding is exposed to a fresh layer, special mechanical methods are used to produce extremely complex effects on the surface of the water grinder to form a new vitreous film and restore the water grinder. Natural and bright decorative effect. The whole process includes multiple processes. Solve the problem fundamentally, make the rough and dirty terrazzo smooth and bright, treat the symptoms and the root cause, and achieve the mirror effect.

The following generalized reasons are used as a reference for polishing. When wiping the terrazzo floor at one time and the number of times, the number of grinding times should generally not exceed 3 times. (Trial grinding, rough grinding, fine grinding) The grinding time is also very important, especially the second and third times. It is not only necessary to see the stone and lattice clearly, but also to achieve the surface brightness after this polishing process is completed.

Disadvantages of terrazzo floor tiles: heavy. We also know that terrazzo is a concrete product. The weight of the terrazzo floor is about 5 kg. The heavier the terrazzo floor, the heavier it is, making it very time-consuming and labor-intensive to process. Susceptible to weather, easy to corrode, short life. Water grinders have poor corrosion resistance. If it is used in a highly corrosive place, or the grinding wheel floor is cleaned with a highly corrosive detergent, the floor will be severely corroded. The life of the water grinder is greatly shortened. This year may only take a few years. It is not waterproof and is highly breathable. There are many gaps in the middle of the terrazzo floor. These gaps not only hide the gray layer, but also allow water to pass through. If there are water stains on the ground, the water stains can easily seep into the ground and pollute the terrazzo ground with the soil on the ground. Cleaning is also very difficult.

Beijing terrazzo floor map renovation cost is low. The construction has no pollution, no dust, no splash of muddy water or noise, such as shopping malls and hotels, which can be operated while constructing. The traditional ground construction process can be changed, such as the ground can be paved with wool boards or mosaiced first and then polished. Not only can the cost be reduced, but also the stitching seam in the construction can be eliminated as much as possible.

url: https://szdeliang.com/en/news/305.html

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Deliang Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010, focusing on the production of terrazzo and natural stone related raw materials. It is a strong manufacturer integrating design, research and development, production, marketing and diversified decorative materials.
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